When the planner, doesn’t have a plan!
Hey boo, let’s chat!
Omg! It’s been such a long time since I’ve checked in and I’m not sure where to start. The last time I wrote, I was on a journey of intentional living. I’m proud to say I am still moving and flowing with intention, granted I found giving myself grace to be flexible, when life doesn’t always permit to do everything on my routine list, is okay and that doesn’t make my day any less intentional or productive.
Grace! It’s a word I’ve been using a lot, as it relates to myself and other places in my life, I’m in such an unknown space, that space is honestly not having a concrete plan, of what’s next. I always have a plan! I am a planner, but what happens when the planner has no plan?
I will be honest it’s a bit uncomfortable, but maybe in even typing this I understand why. Let me explain.
It’s uncomfortable because I always have an idea of what I want to do next, so to be in a space where it’s a little of this and that, is very new for me. I would like to think that I’m a person that can flow, and in some regard I am but when it comes to my goals, dreams and ambitions, I don’t really give myself permission to simply, not know how or what NEXT looks like.
Wow Shelly, it brings me back to watching Frankie and Grace on Netflix, and in the episode, Frankie gave Bud (her son) permission, he couldn’t understand why she was just giving him a word, as they talked about her will. Which reminds to to both give myself permission and grace to not have it all figured out.
Also, to know that it’s okay to try different things in an effort to find the right fit, sometimes you get it in one take and then other times in the words of the late great Aaliyah, if at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again, as many times as you need (I added this part lol.)
As optimistic as this place feels, it’s also scary. It’s scary because apart of my is like OMG girl, you’re getting older, time is flying and now I’m in the space of “I don’t know.” Like WTF, I couldn’t have gone through this phase in my twenties, but that’s life right, God and life will pivot and change, often in directions that we had no plans of going, but I know we hear often, God laughs at our plans.
So if I can leave you with anything, give yourself permission to flow in the unknown. Below you’ll find an affirmation, to help guide you through the week and through the unknown.