Intentional Woman Energy
To be an intentional woman, I’ve realized it starts with me.
For some reason I’ve always known growth and evolution isn’t just a one and done type of thing, but low key I had been treating my personal journey as such. I was extending grace to others in my life but failed to return the grace and love to myself, on a more consistent basis.
Isn’t it crazy how we so easily hold ourselves to sometimes an unrealistic high standard, like we aren’t humans that sometimes have no clue what we’re doing.
Over the past couple of months, I realized that I don’t know what' I’m doing sometimes, but I’m figuring it out. Also, I remind myself that, it’s okay and I don’t know everything, so I have to make mistakes and try different approaches. I’ve learned it’s truly okay to fail, sometimes the doors you want won’t open and sometimes the person you want, may not be for you. But I’m going to continue to grow and glow no matter what.
So, have you shown up for yourself lately?
Meaning, have you checked in with yourself on how you’re truly feeling? Are you kind and gentle with yourself? Or are you embracing your journey instead of only focusing on the final destination?
Guess what? Whatever answer you chose, it’s all good and there’s still time to show up for yourself, showing up in all the ways you need.
A couple of things I’ve put into practice in the last couple of months is:
Setting my intentions daily
Writing myself love letters
If you have daily practices or routines, do you practice these things consistently? Do you need to restructure your routines or practices? I will say having a daily routine keeps you grounded and is kind of like little bumpers, for those not so good days or when it’s one of those days (Monica Voice).
I encourage you to show up for yourself and pour into yourself consistently, because you are your most important investment and priority. It’s true, you cannot pour from an empty cup babe. If this isn’t a natural thing, schedule time for yourself, it doesn’t have to be fancy or anything big, start small but just start.
Love & Light,